Nd10x Forex System
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$100,000… $400,000… $600,000 A Year Working From Anywhere In The World With As Much Free Time As You Want
All of the trades you see on the ticker above were made by traders without additional software or indicators, without ‘bots, and without any specialized education…
In fact, the traders who are making all that money didn’t even need a computer
Nicola Delic tells Adrian Jones why he had to create a whole new way to trade.
Click play to watch video.
So, if you have been searching for a way to break free – to never be weighed down by charts, indicators, trading stress, or maybe even money worries again – keep reading.
Because what you are about to see is
Unprecedented… Amazing… Revolutionary…
Whether You Trade Forex, Crypto, Commodities, or Indices
Which means you could never miss another big trend shift again.
So if you’ve been beating yourself up for missing out on Bitcoin, or GameStop’s market-rattling rally, Silver’s big gains, or the recent run on the GBP, you can stop right now and start seeing real, solid trades, in some of the world’s biggest and most lucrative markets, today.
This is a screenshot of the live dashboard that updates the win ratio, number of winning positions calculated, and the running profit percentage every 24 hours. And that’s only the beginning…
Because it points any trader to their most profitable trades. Then it shows them exactly how and when to take them. And it’s right 65% – 75% of the time.
That’s 20% more profitability than most professionals you’ll meet could ever make. Yet it is a proven, repeatable truth for this invention for…
Virtually any trader, from anywhere, anytime…
Even you. Right here, right now.
And you don’t need extra software, a bunch of math or indicators, or even a computer to begin trading like this, today.
Just a few days ago, a handful of exclusive guests were invited to see this invention do its thing – live. Here’s some of what they had to say…
So, yeah, “Amazing” sounds about right.
We know that you know buzzwords like that are plastered everywhere by hype machines…
And we spent a lot of time trying to find words you would take seriously.
Then we realized…
Instead of trying to find new superlatives, we should just show it to you instead.
Meet the only trading tool you will ever need:
It’s Not Software – It’s Not A Trading System – It’s Not A Robot
What TradeJuice is, is a sophisticated cloud-based integration of proprietary algorithms that calculate every candle, pip, and trend in multiple markets, simultaneously…
To deliver hot, juicy trades and setups – 24 hours a day, every day – for…
- Forex, covering more than 26 currency pairs
- Commodities like Gold, Silver, and Oil, among others
- Top Indices, like the DAX and S&P 500, and even
- All the hot Cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, and more
TradeJuice updates its “hot trades” every hour as it automatically scans every corner of the markets to bring you the biggest, juiciest trades available.
So that you are only ever two clicks away from a solid 65% – 75% probability of profit
TradeJuice Is Not A Signal Service
Sure, TradeJuice starts by giving you the ‘hot trade’ signals. Then it goes light years beyond any traditional signal service to give you every key component you need to quickly and easily place any trade.
And because TradeJuice automatically provides you with an updated entry target, profit target, exit target, and overall market trend, for either conservative or aggressive trades, in all timeframes and sessions.
All you have to do is bring up your preferred broker’s trading platform, set your targets, and take the trade.
It is so sensitive and accurate, so fully integrated, that you can use it with any modern trading platform you can think of. TradeJuice brings the goods to you.
In Just Two Smooth & Simple Clicks
Did I mention that not only does TradeJuice do all that, it also calculates your risk to reward ratio on any trade, so that you know exactly how much of your account to risk before you start?
It also calculates two trade setup scenarios for you: conservative or aggressive, so whether you are willing to risk big to gain big, or want to take it slow and steady, we’ve got you covered.
Everything You Need Is Right Here In Full, Living Color
Here’s a screenshot of how TradeJuice breaks down the targets for you for every hot trade it finds, so you can place your order in mere seconds…
In short, it gets you more data, faster and more accurately than what 99.9% of professional traders ever see, in two smooth & simple clicks.
It puts all that power behind your trades, and all the control in your hands.
So you could take your trading from ordinary or even losing money to making real money, fast.
If that’s not “done for you” trading, I don’t know what is.
Just Big, Juicy Trades
Which means your trading really could become far more profitable and far less stressful than ever before.
So, how does TradeJuice find and update all those markets, trends, trades, and targets with such accuracy?
We could geek out all day long about how more than 120 independent but linked algorithms were perfectly encoded to do every bit of the heavy lifting for you in seconds by an elite technical team lead by one of the most brilliant financial minds, you’ve ever met – Nicola Delic…
And how he’s spent the last 12 years of his life evolving, engineering, and perfecting these multi-layered mathematical mutations to make trading 100% portable, 100% smooth, and 100% simple…
And how you just have to log into the TradeJuice site to have it all at your fingertips, which you can do from your computer, smartphone or tablet…
So that all you have to think about is which trade looks the juiciest…
We know that’s all super-cool, but we both know that’s not why you’re here.
You’re here because…
You’re tired of buying systems and training that just don’t work for you
You’re exhausted from the sleepless nights wondering why you can’t seem to get it right even after all the time, money, and effort
You’re stressed and afraid about how you’ll provide for your family, your retirement, or even stay afloat in these crazy-uncertain times, and honestly…
Your probably pretty ticked off that you’ve missed out on some of the biggest trend shifts and most profitable trading anyone has seen in decades.
TradeJuice is here to put an end to all of that for you and help you trade with smooth & simple signals and targets in just two simple clicks.
Watch below as Nicola demonstrates how easy it is to take any trade with TradeJuice
Just think what this could mean for you in the future, when the next GameStop, Bitcoin Rush, or Silver Squeeze occurs… Because the next one is right around the corner.
It means you would never need to miss another opportunity like that again – ever. And you wouldn’t even need to be at your computer to catch the trend and all the pips you want.
Just like other TradeJuice users already have:
This is an actual account statement from a new TradeJucie trader. He “juiced” his trades so well that he even beat the algorithm’s usual average by 10%.
You’ve Got Questions – We’ve Got Answers
At this point, you probably have a few questions. So, here are the three questions that we’ve gotten on our live demonstrations more than any others…
- How much is TradeJuice?
- When can I get TradeJuice?
- Can I buy the algorithmic package & proprietary software you use to create TradeJuice?
One or all of those may apply to you right now, so let me answer the last one, first. No.
Our algorithmic integration and sequencing will never be for sale. Because outside of a genius like Nicola, no one could configure, set, monitor, and decode what our proprietary algorithms do.
And even if you could, there is not enough computing or cloud-based storage available to individuals to ever run the full sequence. Just owning the hardware to house the programming would cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is currently housed on six servers strategically positioned around the globe so that we are never off-line.
As to questions #1 and #2, if you’ve seen enough and are ready to get started, you can click right here to learn how to get your own password encrypted access to TradeJuice immediately.
If, however, you’d like to see more, there are just a few additional points to share about how and why TradeJuice has already set sales records.
Yes, the wide range of markets and signals TradeJuice supplies is impressive. So is the 65% – 75% accuracy rate… But…
What about the percentage of profit you need to make on your money on a monthly or annual basis? Because all that matters is what it could do for your bottom line, right?
I’m so glad you asked. This is about to get really good.
In live trading and testing over the last two years, TradeJuice users who followed the instructions to the letter saw an average profit of 4%-5% per week.
That’s Not Per Month – Per Week.
Which means your monthly profit percentage could be 20-25%, and your potential annual profit could easily exceed 100%. That is a 90% increase over most blue-chip stocks and traditional investments.
Which would mean you could double your money each and every year just by following TradeJuice’s signals and instructions.
Now, I’ll be the first person to remind you that minimizing your risk is the #1 rule in the trading game, so you’d want to follow the best guidance available and limit your risk…
But statistically speaking, even a conservative trader who strictly followed every TradeJuice rule could earn that 4%-5% per week.
And if you want a more aggressive approach, you can trade “Juiced” with the more aggressive entries and larger lot sizes for potentially greater returns.
Because TradeJuice doesn’t just give you one set of targets for your trades. It breaks them down into conservative and aggressive targets, so you always know which one to hit to be as safe as possible, or make as much cash as you can.
Remember, there is zero guesswork here. TradeJuice gives you everything.
- The Currency, Crypto, Index, and Commodity with the highest probability of success
- The direction you should trade (buy or sell)
- When & where to enter the trade for maximum profitability and minimum risk
- What Price to target for profit, whether conservative or aggressive
- Where to place your Stop Los so you’re protected should the trade turn south
- How much you will risk compared to how much you will make
Notice I’m not throwing any ‘but wait, there’s more!’ schtick at you full of “bonuses and premiums” designed to entice you… Because I don’t need to.
Either you are someone who understands that this information is immediately actionable, executable, and profitable, or you’re not.
If you’re not, no problem. I wish you well. Creating lifelong wealth from trading isn’t for everyone, and I’m not here to twist your arm.
If, however, you realize what an exceptional piece of game-changing equipment TradeJuice is…
Then you need to click that big button down there and get started. Because although the cloud-based software does allow for almost unlimited use, this is an introductory offer, only available to those who act immediately.
Why? Well, frankly because TradeJuice is designed as a yearly subscription service at nearly 10.5 times the price of what you can purchase it for right now.
That’s not a typo. Each of the four TradeJuice Channels is a separate subscription of $1,188.00 per year…
So, all four channels will cost most people $4,752.00 annually.
When you think about how much money you could make with it, even that’s a pretty good deal…
BUT, you get a much better one. Keep watching because I’m about to blow your mind…
You are seeing this because you are part of the select VIP group who can get TradeJuice before the general public…
So, you won’t pay anything close to $4,752 for 4 channels.
You won’t even pay $1,188 for all four channels…
Instead of shelling out thousands of dollars annually for each of the four channels: Crypto, Currencies, Commodities, and Indices…
You can have all four channels – all the signals, the setups, the targets, and the risk minimization – all for one crazy-low introductory price of just $499.
You save 89.1%, and get all four channels for that $499 price.
Once we’ve gained enough users for the platform to fully support itself at this low rate, we’ll be going back up to the regular annual subscription price. Because we will eventually need to limit the number of users for two big reasons.
- We don’t have unlimited server power and cloud-space. Our network of international servers across six countries could be swamped and we are committed to never crashing and being available to you 24/7.
- There is a serious educational and live trading component that comes with your membership to TradeJuice, where you can log on to trade live with Nicola or one of his elite trading team every week and learn from them the advanced professional techniques you can use to Juice your trades even more. The software platform for the live sessions limits Nicola to just 985 people, not counting his team, and we don’t want to shut anyone out of this valuable education.
Nicola has personally trained more than 3,000 people to trade Forex, Commodities, Indices, and more and their results have been epic:
So, it’s decision time. If you’re ready to leave all your stressed out, freaked out, trading days behind you and are ready to Juice your trading in just two smooth & simple clicks…
Anytime you want, from anywhere you want, for almost unlimited profit potential…
Then click the button below and let’s get started.
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