Wp Toolkit – Everything You Need For WordPress


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Speed is a Traffic Killer… More Than 50% of Visitors Leave… If a Site Takes 3+ Seconds To Load

+ 79% of Visitors Who Have Trouble loading a Page Won’t Return

But, don’t take our word for it… poor page speed is the #1 reason why most marketers & webmasters get poor results.

Kissmetrics are experts in the field of SEO, analytics & optimisation. According to their studies if your site takes longer than 3 seconds to load you are losing more than half your traffic & 79% of visitors won’t return if they have trouble loading a page.

That’s a really expensive mistake to make, specially if you’re paying for traffic.

Here’s Typical Results Our Clients Are Seeing With Viper Cache

The tests here were carried out on real sites with the site owners permission. Typical speed improvements in our tests were 100 – 350%…  Up to 1000% speed increase is possible on slower more congested servers.







*Tests were carried out using Pingdom at off peak traffic with default plugin settings. We refreshed the page after enabling the plugin & flushed Google Chrome browser cache – “How to Test” is covered in the training video provided in our members area.

Faster Cache Means More Sales For You…

Click Here To Order Now

Fully WordPress 5.0+ Compatible

Page speed is a already a ranking factor but, what’s less well know is that there’s was a new algorithm update back in July 2018 that affected mobile search.  Google will essentially be ranking sites higher that load faster on mobile… which is a pretty serious update as 52% of all traffic is mobile nowadays… so like it or not you have to make your sites load faster or your competitors will get the traffic.

Using Cache is Essential For Every WordPress Website

Today, Sites Need to Be Fast!

In WordPress the pages you create physically don’t exist, they are created by your server on demand for each visitor… Needless to say that requires more server power, the whole process is a lot slower & this gets worse with heavy site traffic. Which is not ideal if you are trying to rank your site high in Google

Cache is The Easiest Solution…

So the WordPress community fixed this with cache which in a nutshell creates a browser ready HTML file for every visited page on your WordPress site… this saves your server having to build each page on each request = faster web pages!



There are

5 Huge Problems 

with Current Cache Plugins


You Need a Degree To Use Cache Plugins Nowadays – 1 Wrong Click & Your Site is Broken

Most Cache Products are Overloaded With Complex Settings

It’s no secret that conventional cache plugins are difficult to use. You get pages & pages of settings written by tech geeks. This is highly confusing especially for new users

If you get just one setting wrong your site will break. That’s been the status quo for all cache products till now.

Most Free Cache Plugins Are A Honeypot To Hackers

Exposing Your Site To An Ongoing Security Risk

As most free plugins are written by hobbyists it’s hardly surprising that the code is not secure. There are literally pages of cache vulnerabilities listed on security sites

What makes matters worse is that just one vulnerability in a WP plugin means 10’s of thousands of sites get hacked.

It takes a few seconds to download a free exploit & deploy it on a site with the vulnerability and your site is theirs!  

This is a serious security risk & main reason why many users have switched to paid cache products.


If You Make A Tiny Change to Just 1 Page All Cached Pages are Cleared & Then Rebuilt

Which Massively Adds to Your Server Workload

By far the biggest problem with cache products is that if you want to change anything on your site you either have to purge the cache manually or on many plugins the cache is auto-cleared on every site change & then rebuilt.


Say you have a site with 100 pages & you make just 1 text change to 1 page… then with regular cache plugins all 100 cached pages are deleted and your site now has to rebuild every cached page hogging your server resources.

Many Cache Products Clash With Popular Themes & Plugins

By Over Engineering the Cache Engine

If you have used WordPress for any length of time you would have run into a conflict – they are annoying

This could be a simple as a error message on every page or a full white screen of death WSOD.

Many caches try to over engineer the cache engine to gain more speed & in the process make the core product incompatible with popular themes & plugins    

This is an inconvenience that most webmasters hate as it means manually removing the product via FTP.

Your Bandwidth Is Eaten By Fake Bots, Site Scrapers, Image Leachers Costing You More In Hosting

This Massively Increases Your Site Workload & Slows Your Site Down

Data is valuable & bandwidth costs money so there are many smart asses out there that would much rather mine your site for data & use your bandwidth at your expense by image hot-linking for example.

Of course this ads to your site processor workload & and bandwidth usage making your site slower for your visitors & costing you more to run your site.

This is something that happens to all sites and webmasters have to defend against it through expensive tools & firewalls.

& This May Surprise You…

The Best Cache Plugin Didn’t Offer Any REAL Advantage over Free Products

The Paid Product Was Good But Not a Clear Winner

Independent tests carried out by https://ift.tt/2egnhOF October 2017

Yet, Cache Offers Instant Speed Advantages…

By Getting Your Page Ready For A Browser…

Boost Sales, Conversions & Reduce Your Ad Spend

So We Built a Cache That’s Rapid, Simple & Without The Headaches

Make Your WP Sites Up To 10X FASTER In 1 Click

Save $1000’s By Lowering The Need To Upgrade Your Hosting Plan

Built on Super Reliable Cache Technology

Compatible with 99% of Themes & Plugins

When we built this product we didn’t start from scratch. Cache products are complicated & renowned for problems so we had no intentions of making our customer into guinea pigs.


We researched many technologies and found the most reliable technology to work with

We then went back to the drawing board to create a brand new cache product that is super easy use & still provides unrivaled performance.

Compatibility, speed & your site reliability is our #1 priority

Stupidly Simple To Use… Just Enable

We Don’t Play God With Your Theme or Plugins

Whilst all our competitors like to confuse users with big words & techno talk to make the product sound good to the experts. Many of their features offer minimal performance increases often at the expense of time or breaking sites.

Viper cache does not care about trying to squeeze an extra 1% performance if it risks our user experience or if it means we break themes or plugins – we have no intentions of playing god with other peoples products

This product is built for peak performance but not at the expense of user experience.  

Smart Cache Clearing & Smart Rebuilding

Detects Minor Changes & Auto Rebuilds Cache On Popular Pages  

Viper Cache monitors all site changes including loading new themes, plugins, widgets, graphics, new posts / pages. Upon any major change to your site Viper Cache will auto clear & rebuild your cache.

If the change is minor such as as small text change on 1 page, Viper Cache logic will sense this & rebuild the cache on that page & essential pages leaving the cache on other pages intact. Our smart logic bypasses WordPress standard processing delays.

This massively reduces your server load, keeps your site fast & reduces the need for you to upgrade your hosting plan.

Now With Traffic Protection Technology

It Blocks 1000+ Bad Bots & Auto Blocks Hotlinking

If the primary purpose of cache is to speed your site up and reduce bandwidth then any feature that increases the site workload has to be eliminated which is why we made Viper Cache very light.

We’ve also auto blocked hotlinking which is a common way for others to use your bandwidth.

And you have the option to block known bad bots & site scrapers – again there is no reason why these pests should be allowed to eat your resources & slow your site down.

This of course also helps to weather DDOS attacks too

Compatible With All Major Page Builders

+ Multisite, Ecom & Cloudflare Compatible

Designed For Max Speed, Bandwidth Reduction & Ease of Use

How We Compare With Others…

Viper Cache WP Rocket W3 Total Cache
Bad Bot Blocking
Hotlink Blocking
Smart Cache Clearing**
Smart Cache Preloading**
Gzip Compression & Minification
Javascript Defer Feature
Page & Post Caching
Enable/Disable Caching on single Pages/Posts
Fonts Optimisation
Cloudflare, Multisite, Ecom & Page Builder Friendly
Cache Preloading
Reported Vulnerabilities 0 0 13
EASE OF USE —– —– —–
Newbie Friendly 1 Click Setup Pages of Settings Pages of Settings

(Special Offer)
$199 1 year

Unlimited Sites

**Smart Preloading  & Clearing is a Viper Cache exclusive feature built to save your site bandwidth

What Our Customers Say…

“Viper Cache Boosted My Pagespeed By 214%…

Nikhil Gautam

Managing Director


Clients are running faster sites!

Our digital agency started running Viper Cache on all of our clients websites and the results have been amazing, all of our clients are running faster sites thanks to Viper cache – Thank you so much!

Mike Formby

Owner of Theme Maker and Prostyler


It’s much easier to use!

My Customers build websites for their clients and Viper Cache is much easier to use than other plugins and I even use it on my own sales page which gets thousands hits.

Drazen Prastalo

Author at Income Mesh


Boosted Pagespeed By 214%

IAs soon as it was installed and activated, it boosted my pagespeed by 214%. This truly is an amazing WordPress plugin and a must have tool for any wordpress user.

Speed Up Any WordPress Site in 1 Click

Reduce Server Costs, Improve User Experience, Increase Number of Simultaneous Users & Boost Conversions.

Get it Now Before We Go Full Price


Personal License

Use on Your Own Sites

Personal License

Works on WordPress 5.x PHP 5.x/7.x

Full Tutorial Videos

Instant Download

1 Year Support & Updates

25 Sites

One Time Payment

1 Year Blocklist Updates




This is a one time introductory rate – future versions will be sold at a higher price

– Quality Business Software That Delivers Longterm Results –

By purchasing this product you agree to receiving marketing emails from John Merrick, Matt Garrett or our company WP Toolkit. Your data will not be shared with any third parties & you may opt-out at any time in accordance to GDPR (Europe 2018) & CAN SPAM acts.

Results from using this product will vary – we’ve done out best to represent the product fairly & can’t guarantee you will replicate the exact same results.  

QWhat is a Cache?

A. A cache is a browser ready version of a page that loads a lot faster as it doesn’t have to be compiled on each request so it saves you bandwidth, lowers processor load & lowers your hosting costs. Cache is widely accepted as one of the best ways to get fast loading pages in WordPress.

Q Will It Work With My Theme?

A. Viper Cache will work with almost any modern theme. On the rare occasion you run into problems you can switch all the switches off and enable them one by one until you find the switch that causes you the issue. it’s very easy. Simply switch it off & the problem is solved.

Q Has this Cache Been Well Tested?

A. The base cache technology has been tested on 100’s of thousands of sites. We have improved on this technology to provide you with a super stable cache. We use this cache ourselves and are confident that you’ll get equally great results.

QHow Do I Make My Site Even Faster?

A. If your site is still not as fast as you hoped after using Viper Cache you might need some optimisation, you may need to remove some plugins. look at your theme performance & compress your images. Our WP Optimiser Upgrade will help you with these tasks.

By downloading Viper Cache Today, you’ll immediately receive the plugin and video tutorial to start using it immediately.

I can’t wait to hear how much time my plugin adds to your day and how much your income increases through its use – please do get in touch and let me know.

I hope I’ve been of service and I look forward to you getting in touch.

Your Sincerely

WP Toolkit

P.S. – Do take advantage of this offer today, Just 1 or 2 extra affiliate sales will recoup your investment.

P.P.S. – And don’t forget if you’re not 100% Happy – I’ll give you a 100% Refund – Guaranteed!

P.P.P.S. – If this page still shows the bonuses, they you will be in time to receive all of them when you buy now.

I cannot guarantee they’ll be there after this special launch offer.

Don’t delay on grabbing a tool that will make you more money – guaranteed.

Our Customer Promise

All our products are Evergreen. We promise any product you purchase from us  will be available for download for a minimum of 3 years from launch date. The product will never be sold as PLR, MRR, White Label or used as a bonus in future.

Your investment is completely risk free
with our 30 day product satisfaction policy.

Follow the product training and if at any time you are not completely blown away by your purchase then contact us via our support within 30 days, tell us where you think our product is failing and
we will refund your purchase in full. Our voluntary refund policy extends to all requests where customers have actually used our products & can show us a problem with our software or training. Our guarantee does not cover change of heart.

Money Back Guarantee

30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Just try the product & give us feedback

100% Secure Checkout

Verified Secure Checkout. Pay by any major Credit/Debit Card or PayPal

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